Blossom 2024 - 2025

Mrs Marshall

Deputy Headteacher

Hi everyone,


Welcome to Blossom class page. This is where I can share lots of information, photos and exciting news about our class! 

We've had a lovely start back to the new year. We are pleased to see old friends as well as welcome some new ones.


We will keep you updated on what we are up to here. You might also like to look out for us on Twitter!

Stay Safe,

Blossom class team

Class Charter.jpg
Blossom Class Charter

We have really been enjoying using the Book Meanwhile back on Earth by Oliver Jeffers to help us with some science activites.  We have watching how viegar reacts with bicarbonate of soda, we have made rockets and made planets by allowing colour to spread out on filter paper. 



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Hi All

Don't forget Blossom class have PE once a week and are working on the independence target of dressing and undressing. Please remember to send in a PE kit so that we can all improve our independence skills.  Our Pe sessions are on a Monday afternoon.  This term we are lucky enough to have time with the coach from Man City

We will also work on this when we attend our splash sessions. Our Splash sessions are on a Thursday morning.  we know the children love this time in the water.  . 

Thank you for you continued support and we are enjoying seeing your children grow and thrive.

Blossom Team


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We will continue to visit the cafe each week.  This has been a great opportuntiy for the children to learn to make choices in a different and sometimes busy environement, to learn to wait and to know things need to be paid for.  


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