Q: How do you decide whether a school can access your support?
A: For Manchester schools we ask that they complete a referral form. Referral is usually focused around a child, the child must have a clinically diagnosed medical condition or physical disability. We prioritise new referrals based on pupil needs. 
Schools can contact us to be directed to the referral form which can be downloaded from this website. 
For schools outside the Manchester LA or independent schools you can contact us to discuss the support we can offer.

Q: Is there a cost involved in accessing support from LOIS?
A: There is no cost to Manchester LA schools if the request comes under the LOIS Core Offer. Some outreach activities may incur a charge but this will be made clear in advance. There is a cost to schools outside the Manchester LA or independent schools or settings.

Q: I have a pupil with dyspraxia, can I access your support?
A: Unfortunately, no, a child with dyspraxia does not fit our criteria, but we can signpost you to other services.

Q: Can I access the support of a speech and language therapist via your team?
A: No, our speech and language therapist only works with a small number pupils across Manchester who have specific needs and use assistive or augmentative technology to enhance communication. Support is usually by referral though the Assistive Technology Service.