Lancasterian School have a number of policies that are not linked on the school website, these include:
- Good Practice Guidandance
- Child Protection Policy,
- Child Protection - essential Information,
- PSHE - Anti-bullying,
- Health and Safety,
- Accident, Injury, First Aid Response,
- Administration of Medicines and First Aid,
- Personal Care - Toileting and Intimate Care,
- ICT, E-Safety, Acceptable Use Policy,
- Attendance,
- Work Experience and Extended work placements,
- Sex and Relationships Education,
- Extended Schools Activities,
- Educational Visits,
- Special Educational Needs,
- Disability Discrimination/Single Equality,
- Looked After Children,
- Home Visiting,
- Whistle Blowing,
- Prevent Policy,
- Pupils right to dignity and courtesy.
These documents are available on request from: admin@lancasterian.manchester.sch.uk
Performance Tables:
Link to the DfE school performance tables website for Lancasterian School: