About Us
Who are we?
We are a maintained special school, which has recently undergone a number of very positive and exciting changes, including a changing and increasing population of pupils. Our school now meets the needs of children aged 3-16 who have a range of SEND.
All pupils arrive at the school with attainment levels significantly below that of their mainstream peers. Every pupil has an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), or is under assessment. In terms of attainment on entry, all pupils are working significantly below their age-related expectations, but the progress they make, both academically and in their personal development, are both exceptional.
What are the needs of our pupils?All of our pupils have moderate to severe learning difficulties. They are achieving at below expected levels for their age and would have difficulty coping in a mainstream school. They may find reading and writing a problem or have difficulty with communication or fine and gross motor skills. Sometimes they are socially immature or they may experience health problems. A proportion of our pupils also have significant physical disabilities as well as communication difficulties. A large number of our pupils have autism, many of whom are taught in specialist classes. Some of our pupils have profound and multiple learning difficulties, with severe physical and sensory disabilities. These pupils are highly dependent on adults for all aspects of their learning as well as their self-care and mobility.
Where do our pupils come from?Our pupils live all across Manchester as we are a city wide provision. Some of our pupils join us in Reception year however admissions can happen in any year group and at any time of the year. Some pupils join us at the beginning of High school when moving to a large high school is not for them.
As a special school, all decisions about placement at Lancasterian are made by the Local Authority. The Statutory Assessment Team for children with learning difficulties and disabilities liaises with the school regarding the appropriateness of placements. The telephone number for this team, based at Universal Square, Ardwick, Manchester is 0161 245 – 7445Prospective Parents/Carers are very welcome to visit school on a Thursday morning during the course of the year (by appointment). You may wish to come with your child or alternatively to visit first on your own and then return with
your child for a second visit.
For some Parents/Carers, we appreciate the decision to consider the possibility of a special school is a difficult one. The Headteacher, Alison Randall, will be pleased to discuss with you the individual needs of your child and any concerns
that you may have. Alison, or another member of the Leadership Team will show you around school so that you can see at first-hand our children at work and at play. Please telephone the school office to make an appointment.
For more information on admissions, please see the 'Admission Arrangments' pages.
Other services and achievements
Because of our skills and our reputation for excellence, the school is commissioned by Manchester to provide outreach support, across the city, in advising mainstream schools around meeting the needs of pupils with physical disabilities. ‘LOIS’ (Lancaster Outreach and Inclusion Service), based at and run by our school, provides advice, support and training to mainstream schools in Manchester to enable them to effectively meet the needs of pupils with medical needs and physical disabilities aged 4-16 in school. LOIS also supports RHOSEY Rodney House Outreach Service Early Years) to assess the seating needs of pupils in EYFS settings. LOIS offers Moving and Handling training to all Manchester settings (for more information, please see our 'LOIS' pages).
In addition, we host the Manchester Travel Trainer Service (MTTS), providing excellent training for young people with disabilities across Manchester to use transport safely (for more information, please see our 'Travel Trainers' pages).
We are also proud to be designated a Rights Respecting School (for more information, please see our 'Rights Respecting Schools' pages) and we hold an Eco-Schools award (for more information, please see our 'ECO schools' pages).
School OrganisationAs an all through school we are made up of 5 stages of education organised into 2 schools; Primary school: Early years foundation stage, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 (for more information, please see our 'Primary' pages) and High school: Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 (for more information, please see our 'High School' pages).
The pupils, as far as possible, areplaced in classes with peers of a similar age. There are similar pupils who benefit from ‘specialist’ teaching environment such as those with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities or Autistic Spectrum Disorder. These learning environments are available within both the primary school and the high school.