Speech and Language
Lancasterian School provides a range of Speech & Language Therapy services for pupils. We focus on the development of speech, language and communication skills for all pupils across Primary & High School.
This means we recognise the importance of using a range of communication strategies, including: speech, text, voice output, manual signs/gestures, symbols, pictures, tactile references and objects of reference.
Speech & Language Therapy input helps identify the most appropriate communication system/strategy for individual pupils and supports staff and pupils to use any combination of these strategies to develop their speech, language and communication.
WHO are our Speech & Language Therapists?
We currently have 2 Specialist Speech & Language Therapists provided through the Manchester NHS Speech & Language Therapy team.
WHAT services do our Speech & Language Therapists provide?
To find out more about our Speech & Language Therapy Intervention Plans, click the link below.
Speech Therapy update
I am delighted to tell you, we now have a new Speech Therapist joining our team- Welcome Claire! So, alongside our current NHS provision, we are now buying in additional support from a company called 'Speech Bubble'.
As they are a private company, they have their own paperwork which needs to be completed to enable them to work with your child.
As they will be working with whole classes, groups and individuals, it would be helpful (and speed up the process) if you could click the following link or copy and paste it into an internet tab http://bit.ly/mcr_ls and provide your consent now in preparation for any support they might be able to offer your child. If they do work directly with your child, Claire and class team will contact you to discuss this further.
There will also be a paper copy coming home if this is preferable. Thank you!
For more information, please download our 'Good Communcation Guide' and Communication Overview or contact the school and ask to speak to Emma Morris, English and Communication Lead or one of our SaLT team.