High School
Teaching and Learning in Key Stages Three and Four
Lancasterian High School is a rich and vibrant environment, where students are given the opportunity to build on the progress and skills that they have developed through our Early Years and Primary education.
Pupils in keystage 3 are aged from 11-14 years, pupils in keystage 4 are aged from 14-16 years old.
Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning will look different depending on the pupils learning needs. We use 'Pre-Formal', 'Semi-Formal' and 'Formal' curriculums in the classes across the High school.
All High School pupils, regardless of their curriculum, receive teaching and learning opportunities through a variety of educational strands including English, Maths and Science skills (for more information, please see our 'Curriculum' page). They will also have lessons to help them to learn to be independent, resilient and safe.
Formal Curriculum
High School pupils accessing the 'Formal' curriculum will complete core subjects of Maths and English in the morning. There is a snack and staggered outdoor playtime times, snack time is seen as a learning opportunity and this is typically around communication or personal, social, health and citizenship targets. The afternoon then contains two or three lessons.
Semi-Formal and Pre-Formal
Pupils in 'Semi-Formal' and 'Pre-Formal' classes have a more integrated approach to the curriculum and therefore a more flexible timetable. They access termly topics which encompass all curriculum subject areas (for more information, please see our 'Curriculum' page). Again, snack time is seen as a learning opportunity and there are regular outside break times.
A range of teaching and learning styles are used in order to meet the needs of the pupils.
Careers Education
In addition at Keys Stage 3 pupils are introduced to careers education within their PSHE Lessons and the beginning of ‘World of Work’ programme. As pupils move through into Key Stage 4 they will begin to follow individual accreditation pathways. We offer accreditation in English and Maths as well as other ASDAN accredited courses (for more information, please see our 'Curriculum' page). At this age, pupils also take part in our ‘World of Work’ programme and will have appropriate work experience opportunities. At Keystage 4 all pupils will also have the opportunities for independent careers advice; currently this is provided by Careers Connect (for more information, please see our 'World of Work' pages).
Depending on the curriculum, learning is recorded through photographs, observations, annotations and pupil's own written work. 'Formal' pupils have workbooks for all subject areas. Work is regularly reviewed and marked according to our 'Marking and Evidencing policy'.
Pupil Reflection
Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their learning and 'Formal' puils are encouraged to consider whether they have achieved the objective and how they could make their work even better. Acheivement in all areas is celebrated, whether in class, within groups or during assemblies. Pupils are awarded 'Star of the Week' certificates in weekly assemblies to celebrate successes and these are taken home to be shared with parents. Pupils are also given verbal praise, stickers and other small prizes and notes of their achievements are made to parents through the home-school diary.
Class teachers liaise closely with the school Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist for advice on individual pupils needs (for more information, please see our 'Therapy' page).
We also have a comprehensive transition package for our students that will support them from year 5 and beyond. We strive to ensure that the pupils have a variety of destinations to choose from so that we can guide and support them on their journey to adulthood. We work towards accreditation and develop the life skills needed for further education, independence and employment.