PE at home

Jasmine PE at Home- Exciting News



Dear parent/guardian,


We know active, healthy children achieve more. At school, we have created an enabling environment where EVERY child feels included, valued, challenged and supported to achieve their maximum potential in PE, school and life.


Your child participates in real PE lessons to develop their Fundamental Movement Skills and important life skills such as personal, social, cognitive and creative skills. Our school also has home learning support through real PE at home where children can continue to be active through fun games and activities on their own and also with a sibling, parent, guardian or other family member.


Your login details are:

Username: lancasterian21

Password: high0602


Click here to view more information including a short video on how to use real PE at home.

We hope you enjoy exploring real PE at home and have fun playing the games and activities.    


If you would like to share some pictures of your real PE at home and, please send them in to




We hope your children enjoy exploring and taking part in real PE at home.



Warmest regards



Matt Jenkins & Amanda Potter